A complete database is being hosted at Rootsweb. Data about living individuals is suppressed.
Of course, the work is always on-going ...
Bax, zes eeuwen thuis in Leende en Leenderstrijp
In the fall of 1998, a book about the BAX family of Leende was published (I am a co-author).
A 4-page flyer was printed to announce this event, and mailed to about 700 people!
To see the flyer for yourself, I've scanned it:
Page1 -
Page2 -
Page3 -
Or read an English translation.
Some updates to book from Eindhoven Dagblad.
De kroniek van het geslacht Backx (Bax, Bacx, Bakx en Baks)
Th. A. Boeree scheef (1943) dat de naam over geheel Nederland is verspreid, 'maar indien over volledige genealogische gegevens werd beschikt, zou blijken dat alle takken afkomstig waren uit Oost-Brabant'.
This book has been scanned and available on FamilySearch DGS007561874 Item 2 starting at image 162.
Selected pages from this book have been transcribed.
Other BAX family researchers on the internet.
A collection of BAX publications on internet.
Attempts to connect my wife's DARK family back to UK roots has not been easy.
A family picture was taken about Christmas 1924.
Some old pictures (abt 1934) from the Jones-Dark-Johnston family album.
An old scrap book started by Susannah Jones (nee Dark).
Other DARK family researchers on the internet.
Three researchers, three slightly different versions of family history.
POMPEN, VROME ENDE ERRLIJCKE LUYDEN een ondernemend geslacht uit Leenderstrijp vanaf 1350
Published in 1995 by Heemkunderkring "De Heerlijkheid Heeze-Leende-Zesgehuchten"
A family picture.
John Bishop, Huub van Helvoort, Tony Hofstee, Harrie van de Laak, Annemiek Langelaar, Ton Vereijken, Marianne Redeker, Mims Neven, Tini Wolterink, Wilbert Steenbakkers, Wilfried Taeymans.